Here is a list of all the animals featured on the website:
- Aardvark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Aardwolf Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Abaco Island boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Abdim’s stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Abert’s squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Abert’s towhee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Abyssinian genet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Acacia rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Acadian flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Acorn woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Addax Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Adelaide’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Afghan mouse-like hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Afghanistan salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African brush-tailed porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African buffalo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African bullfrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African bush elephant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African clawed frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African clawless otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African egg-eating snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African fat-tailed gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African golden cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African house snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African knifefish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African longfin eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African lungfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African mole rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African openbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African palm civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African rock python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African slender-snouted crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African softshell turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African spoonbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African spurred tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African striped weasel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African tigrine frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African water rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African wild ass Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- African wild dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Agile antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Agile gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Agile gracile opossum, or Paraguayan slender mouse opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Agile kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Agile mangabey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Agile wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Airbreathing shellear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Akepa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Akiapolaau Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Akohekohe, or Crested honeycreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alabama map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alabama shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alaska blackfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alaska pollock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alaska skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alaskan stickleback Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Aldabra tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alder flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alewife Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alexandra’s parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alexandrine parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alfonsino Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Algerian newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Algerian skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alice shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Allegheny mountain dusky salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Allen’s hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Allen’s olingo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Allen’s squirrel galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Allen’s swamp monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Allied rock wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alligator snapping turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpaca Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpine accentor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpine chough Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpine marmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpine musk deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpine shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alpine swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Alston’s brown mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Altai osman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amazon river dolphin, or Amazon dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amazonian horned frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amazonian manatee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amazonian tree boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amboyna cuckoo-dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American alligator Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American avocet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American badger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American beaver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American bison Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American bittern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American black bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American black duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American bullfrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American coot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American dipper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American flamingo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American gizzard shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American golden plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American goldfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American hog-nosed skunk, or Hog-nosed skunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American kestrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American lobster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American marten Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American mink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American oystercatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American pika Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American pipit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American redstart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American tree sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American treecreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American white pelican Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American wigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- American woodcock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amur hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Amur sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Anchoveta Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ancient murrelet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Andean condor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Andean hairy armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Andean parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Andean spiny rat, or Short-tailed spiny-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Andros island iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Anglerfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Angolan colobus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Anhinga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Anianiau Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Anna’s hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Annam leaf turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Annual fish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Annulated boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Anoa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ansell’s mole-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Antarctic butterfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Antarctic fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Antarctic petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Antilopine wallaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Antipodean albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Aoudad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Apapane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Apical flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Aplomado falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Apostlebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Aquatic caecilian Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arabian babbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arabian oryx Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arabian tahr Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arafura filesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arawana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arboreal salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic cod Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arctic warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Argali Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Argentine angelfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Argentine pearlfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Argentine toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Argentinian gray fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arizona pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Armadillo girdled lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Armenian viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Armored rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arroyo chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Arroyo toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ash-throated flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ashy storm-petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian brown tortoise, or East Indian upland tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian dowitcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian garden dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian house shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian leaf turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian openbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asian palm civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asiatic black bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asiatic elephant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asiatic golden cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asp Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Asp viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Assam macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atherton scrubwren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic argentine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic cod Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic herring Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic pomfret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic puffin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic ridley Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic sharpnose shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic silverside Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Atun Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Auckland green gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Audouin’s gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Audubon’s cottontail rabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Audubon’s shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australasian darter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australasian gannet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australasian shoveler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian anchovy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian black and yellow skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian black snake, or Australian purplish death adder Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian blacktip shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian blue-tongued lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian brushturkey, or Brush turkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian false vampire bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian freshwater herring Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian golden whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian grayling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian green treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian hobby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian king parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian logrunner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian lungfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian owlet-nightjar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian pelican Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian pied cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian raven Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian redback spider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian reed warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian rockling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian ruff Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian salmon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian sea lion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian sharpnose shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian shelduck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian swamp rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian swiftlet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Australian white ibis, or Australian ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Axolotl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Aye-aye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ayu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Azara’s agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Azara’s night monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Azure jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Babirusa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bachman’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bactrian camel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bahama-wood snake, or Dwarf boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bahamian hutia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baikal seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baird’s beaked whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baird’s rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baird’s smoothhead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baird’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baird’s tapir Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baker’s spinytail iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bald eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bald uacari, or Red uakari Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Balearic shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bali mynah Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ball python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baltimore oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Baluchistan gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bananaquit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Band-tailed pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded hare-wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded krait, or Red-headed krait Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded linsang Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded palm civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded pygmy sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded sand snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banded stilt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bank swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bank vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banksian cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banner-tailed kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bantam sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Banteng Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bar-shouldered dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bar-tailed godwit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barasingha Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barb Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barbary ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barbary macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barbary striped grass mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barbour’s map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bare-tailed woolly opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barking owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barking treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barn owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barn swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barnacle goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barred owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barred surfperch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barred warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Barrow’s goldeneye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Basking shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bassian thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bat ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bat-eared fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bateleur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bawean deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bay duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bay-breasted warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beaded lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beaked skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beal’s eyed turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bean goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bearded parrotbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bearded pig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bearded seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bearded vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beautiful firetail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bechstein’s bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beech marten Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beira killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Belding’s ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Belica Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bell miner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bell’s hinge-back tortoise, or Hingeback tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bell’s vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beluga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Beluga sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bendire’s thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bengal jungle babbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bengal monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bennett’s chinchilla rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bennett’s tree kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Berlandier’s tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bewick’s wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bharal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bibron’s agama Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bibron’s gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bibron’s mole viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bicknell’s thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bicolored shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Big brown bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Big skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Big-eared opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Big-headed turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bigeye thresher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bighorn sheep Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bigmouth buffalo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Binturong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Birdbeak dogfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bismarck ringed python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bitterling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black acara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black and white cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black buffalo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black butcherbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black caiman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black crappie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black currawong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black field cricket Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black four-eyed opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black francolin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black garden ant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black giant squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black guillemot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black howler monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black mamba Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black mountain salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black muntjac Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black noddy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black oystercatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black perch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black phoebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black redhorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black redstart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black rhinoceros Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black rosy-finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black scoter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black sea shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black sea sprat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black skimmer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black snub-nosed monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black spider monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black swan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black tree kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black uakari Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black wallaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black wildebeest Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-and-white ruffed lemur, or Ruffed lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-and-white warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-backed jackal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-bellied angler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-bellied hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-bellied plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-bellied salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-bellied whistling duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-billed cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-billed magpie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-billed treehunter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-browed albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-capped chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-capped lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-capped vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-casqued hornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-cheeked white-nosed monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-chested buzzard-eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-chested mustached tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-chinned honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-chinned hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-crested sumatran langur, or Mitred leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-crowned night heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-eared wheatear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-faced cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-faced cuckooshrike Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-faced ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-faced monarch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-faced spoonbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-faced woodswallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-footed albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-footed cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-footed ferret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-footed mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-footed rock wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-footed tree rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-fronted dotterel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-fronted duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed grosbeak Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-headed python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-hooded oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-knobbed map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-legged kittiwake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-mantled tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-naped oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-naped tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-necked (Hawaiian) stilt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-necked agama, or Plains agama Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-necked stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-pencilled marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-rumped agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-shouldered kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-shouldered opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-spotted frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-stripe minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-striped wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-tailed godwit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-tailed jackrabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-tailed montane pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-tailed prairie dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-throated blue warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-throated diver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-throated finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-throated green warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-throated sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-winged kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-winged lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-winged lovebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Black-winged stilt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackbuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackburnian warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackcap Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackchin shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackfin pearlfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackfin sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackneck spitting cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blacknose dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blacknose shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blacknose shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackpoll warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blackside dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blacksmith lapwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blacktip shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blainville’s beaked whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blanchard’s cricket frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blanding’s cat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blanding’s turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blanford’s fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bleeding shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blonde ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blood python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue grenadier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue grosbeak Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue herring Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue ling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue poison-dart frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue ridge two-lined salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue runner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue skate, or Common skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue spiny lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue stingray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue whiting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue wildebeest Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-and-yellow macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-backed manakin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-backed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-bellied parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-billed duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-breasted fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-crowned hanging parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-crowned lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-crowned motmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-crowned parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-eyed cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-faced honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-faced parrot-finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-footed booby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-fronted amazon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-gray noddy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-grey gnatcatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-grey tanager Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-headed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-headed vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-legged mantella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-rumped parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-streaked lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-tailed day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-throated hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-throated macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-winged macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-winged parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-winged teal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blue-winged warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blueback shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluebonnet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluefin killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluefin notho Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluegill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluehead chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluehead shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluethroat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluntnose minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bluntnose sevengill shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Blyth’s reed-warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boa constrictor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boat-tailed grackle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bobak marmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bobcat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bobolink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boelen’s python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bog turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bohar reedbuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bohemian waxwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bolivian red howler monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bolivian squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bolivian squirrel monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bolivian titi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bonelli’s eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bongo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bonin flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bonin petrel, or Bonin Island petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bonnet macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bonnethead shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bontebok, or Sassaby, or Blesbok Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boomslang Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Booted macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boreal chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boreal owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Borneo gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bosc’s monitor and Savannah monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bosca’s newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Botta’s pocket gopher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bottlenosed dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Boulenger’s oriental salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bourke’s parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bower’s shrikethrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bowfin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bowhead whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brahminy kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brambling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brandt’s bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brandt’s cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brandt’s hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brandt’s hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brandt’s vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brant’s climbing mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brazilian bare-faced tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brazilian free-tailed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brazilian guinea pig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brazilian guitarfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brazilian tapir Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brazilian three-banded armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bream Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brent goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brewer’s blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brewer’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bridled honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bridled nail-tail wallaby, or Ridled nail-tailed wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bridled tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bridled titmouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bristle-thighed curlew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-billed flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-billed hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-billed sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-snouted caiman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-tailed day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-tailed hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broad-winged hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Broadhead skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brolga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bronzed cowbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brook silverside Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brook stickleback Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown basilisk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown big-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown booby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown capuchin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown dorcopsis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown four-eyed opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown gerygone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown goshawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown greater galago, or Greater galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown howler monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown hyena Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown kiwi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown mouse lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown noddy, or Noddy tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown pelican Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown roofed turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown skua Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown smoothhound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown snake eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown tree snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown treecreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown vine snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown water python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown water snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-bearded saki Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-capped rosy finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-crested flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-headed cowbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-headed honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-headed nuthatch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-headed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown-headed spider monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brown’s hutia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brownbanded morwong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush bronzewing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush rabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush-tailed phascogale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush-tailed possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush-tailed rabbit rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Brush-tailed rock wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bryde’s whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Budgerigar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff tailed bumblebee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff-banded rail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff-bellied hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff-breasted paradise kingfisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff-breasted wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff-necked ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buff-rumped thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bufflehead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bull chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bull shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bullock’s oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bulwer’s petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bunny, or Coney rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Burbot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Burchell’s redfin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Burmese ferret-badger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Burrowing bettong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Burrowing owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bush dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bush duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bush hyrax Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bush rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bush stone-curlew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushbuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushmaster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushpig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushtit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushveld elephant shrew, or Long-eared elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushy-tailed jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Bushy-tailed woodrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Butler’s garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Butterfly lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Buzzard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cackling goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cacomistle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cactus mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cactus wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cagle’s map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Calabar angwantibo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Calamian deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California condor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California giant salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California gnatcatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California grunion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California leaf-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California mountain kingsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California sea lion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- California towhee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Californian anchoveta Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Calliope hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Campbell albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Campbell’s monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canada goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canada lynx Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canada warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canadian toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canary white-eye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canary-winged parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cane toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canvasback Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canyon mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Canyon towhee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape barren goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape coral snake, or Coral snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape elephantfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape girdled lizard, or Rough-scaled girdled lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape gray mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape grysbok Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape hare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape May warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape mole-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape monk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape parrot, or Brown-necked parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape sand frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape short-eared gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape spinytail iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cape vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Capelin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Capped leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Capybara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caracal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cardiocondyla obscurior Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caribbean elaenia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caribou, or Reindeer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carolina chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carolina parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carolina wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carpathian lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carpentarian rock rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carpenter frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carpet python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Carrion crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cascabel rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caspian gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caspian seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caspian shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caspian tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caspian turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cassin’s auklet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cassin’s finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cattle egret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Caucasian sand-boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cave myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cave salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cave swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cayenne caecilian Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cayenne spiny rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cayman islands dwarf boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cayman rock iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cedar waxwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cei’s mountain lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Celebes crested macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central American agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central american river turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central American spider monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central American squirrel monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central American woolly opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central bearded dragon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central mudminnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Central rock rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cerulean warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cetti’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chacoan peccary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chacoan tuco-tuco Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chaffinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chain pickerel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chamek spider monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chamois Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chanchito Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Channel-billed cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chattering lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Checkered elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Checkered garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cheetah Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cherryfin shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut pogonomys, or Long-tailed tree mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut teal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-backed chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-breasted cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-breasted munia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-crowned babbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-fronted macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-rumped thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chestnut-sided warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chicken turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chihuahuan mole salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chihuahuan raven Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Children’s python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chilean flamingo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chilean guemal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chilean hake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chimney swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chimpanzee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese alligator Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese cobra, or Indian spitting cobra, or Golden spitting cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese ferret-badger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese forest musk deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese giant salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese goral Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese pangolin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese stripe-necked turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese three-striped box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese water deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese water dragon, or Water dragon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chinese water snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chipping sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chital Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chocolate wattled bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chowchilla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Christmas Island frigatebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Christmas Island shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chubby flashlightfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Chuck-will’s-widow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cinereous vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cinereus shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cinnamon antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cinnamon teal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cirl bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Citril finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clamorous reed warbler, or Indian great reed warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clapper rail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clark’s nutcracker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clay-colored robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clay-colored sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cliff chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cliff swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Climbing perch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clouded leopard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Clouded salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coachwhip Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coahuilan box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coal tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coarse-haired wombat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coastal shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coastal tailed frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coastal taipan, or Taipan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cockatiel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cocoi heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colasisi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Collared flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Collared lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Collared lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Collared peccary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Collared pika Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colocolo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colombian giant toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colombian horned frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colorado chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colorado desert fringe-toed lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Colorado pikeminnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Columbian tegu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Commerson’s dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common black hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common blackbird, or Eurasian blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common bronzewing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common carp Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common catsnake, or Indian gamma snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common chameleon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common chiffchaff, or Eurasian chiffchaff Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common cicadabird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common cuckoo, or Eurasian cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common death adder Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common dolphinfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common echymipera, or New Guinea spiny bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common eider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common emerald dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common Eurasian spadefoot toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common European toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common goldeneye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common grackle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common grasshopper-warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common green iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common greenshank Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common ground dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common horned frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common house gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common house-martin and northern house-martin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common kestrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common kingfisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common kingsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common lancehead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common merganser Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common minke whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common moorhen Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common murre Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common nighthawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common nightingale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common pheasant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common pipistrelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common pochard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common poorwill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common punare, or Brazilian spiny rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common raccoon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common raven Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common redpoll Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common redshank Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common redstart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common rhebok Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common ringed plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common ringtail, or Ring-tailed possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common rock rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common rosefinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common scops-owl, or Eurasian scops-owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common shelduck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common slider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common snake-necked turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common snapping turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common snipe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common snook Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common spotted cuscus, or Spotted cuscus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common stingray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common stonechat and stonechat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common tiger snake, or Eastern tiger snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common tree shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common wall gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common wall lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common water monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common whitethroat, or Whitethroat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common wonder gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common wood-pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common yellow-toothed cavy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Common yellowthroat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Comoro black flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Complex-toothed flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Congo rope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cooper’s hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cope’s gray treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Copper shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coppery titi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Corn bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Corn snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Corsac fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coruro Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cory’s shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Costa’s hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cotton-top tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Couch’s spadefoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cougar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cownose ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Coyote Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crab-eating fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crab-eating mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crab-eating raccoon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crabeater seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Creek chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Creek chubsucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crescent honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested auklet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested bellbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested bullhead shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested caracara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested lark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested myna Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested shriketit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crested tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crete spiny mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crevice spiny lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crimson finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crimson rosella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crimson shining parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crimson-bellied parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crissal thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crowned guenon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crowned lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crowned river turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Crowned shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuban boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuban crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuban parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuban solenodon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuban toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuban treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cui-ui Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Culpeo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cunningham’s skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Curlew sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Curve-billed thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cusk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cutlip minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuvier’s beaked whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuvier’s gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Cuvier’s Madagascar swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- D’albert’s python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dahl’s toad-headed turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dall’s porpoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dall’s sheep Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dalmatian pelican Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dama gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Damaraland mole-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Daphnia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dark kangaroo mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dark-eyed junco Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dark-spotted anaconda Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Darter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Darwin’s leaf-eared mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dassie rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Daubenton’s bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- De Brazza’s monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dead Sea sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Deepbody anchovy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Deer mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Degu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Del Norte salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Demidoff’s galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Demoiselle crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Deppe’s squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert horned viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert night lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert pupfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert spiny lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desert woodrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Desmarest’s hutia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dhole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diadem snake, or Diademed snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diademed sifaka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diamond dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diamond firetail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diamond stingray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diamondback terrapin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Diana monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dibatag Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dickcissel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dobson’s shrew tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dog-tooth cat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dollar sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dollarbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Domestic cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Domestic cattle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Domestic dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Domestic goat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Domestic sheep, or Mouflon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dorcas gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Doria’s tree kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Double-banded plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Double-barred finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Double-crested cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Downy woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Drill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dromedary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Duck-billed platypus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ducorps’s cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dugong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dumeril monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dumeril’s ground boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dunlin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dunn’s salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky antbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky gerygone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky moorhen Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky myzomela Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky pademelon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky sea garfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky smooth-hound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky titi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dusky woodswallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dwarf altai osman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dwarf caiman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dwarf cassowary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dwarf mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dwarf seahorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dwarf waterdog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Dzhungarian hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ear-spot squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eared grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- East African black mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- East African egg-eating snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- East African mole rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- East Caucasian tur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- East Indian tentacled snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern barn owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern barred bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern bearded dragon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern blackneck garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern bluebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern bristlebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern casquehead iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern coral snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern cottontail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern curlew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern diamondback rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern European hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern false pipistrelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern forest bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern fox snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern fox squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern glass lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern gray kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern gray squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern harvest mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern heather vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern hognose snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern imperical eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern kingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern lubber grasshopper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern meadowlark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern mole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern narrow-mouthed toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern olivaceous warbler, or Olivaceous warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern osprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern phoebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern pipistrelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern pygmy possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern quoll Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern racer, or Northern black racer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern red-backed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern ribbonsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern roe deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern rosella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern screech-owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern small-footed myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern spadefoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern spinebill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern spotted skunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern towhee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern water dragon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern whipbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern wood pewee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern woodrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eastern yellow robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eclectus parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Edible frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Edward’s fig parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian rousette Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Egyptian vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eland Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eld’s deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Electric eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elegant parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elegant tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eleonora’s falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elepaio Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elephant fish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elf owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elliot’s short-tailed shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Elongated tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emerald shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emerald tree-boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emperor flat lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emperor goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emperor penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emperor tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Emu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- English whiting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ensatina Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Equatorial saki Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ermine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Escarpia laminata Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eulachon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Euphrates jerboa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian beaver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian bittern, or Bittern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian black grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian bullfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian collared-dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian coot, or Coot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian crow, or Eurasian jackdaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian curlew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian dotterel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian eagle-owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian golden-oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian green woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian hobby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian hoopoe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian linnet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian lynx Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian magpie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian nightjar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian oystercatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian penduline-tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian pygmy shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian pygmy-owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian red squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian reed-warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian siskin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian skylark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian sparrowhawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian spoonbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian thick-knee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian three-toed woodpecker, or Three-toed woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian tree sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian treecreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian water shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian wigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian woodcock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurasian wryneck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European anchovy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European badger, or Old World badger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European bee-eater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European bison Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European dragonet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European fire salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European free-tailed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European glass lizard, or Armored glass lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European golden-plover, or Greater golden-plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European goldfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European grass snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European green lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European green toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European greenfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European hake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European hare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European honey buzzard, or Western honey-buzzard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European leopard snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European mink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European mole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European pied flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European pine marten Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European pine vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European polecat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European pollock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European rabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European river lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European roller Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European serin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European shag Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European sprat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European starling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European storm petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European tree frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European turtle-dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European water vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- European white stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eurura toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Evening bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Evening grosbeak Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eyed electric ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Eyelash palm pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fairy gerygone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fairy martin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fairy prion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fairy tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fallow deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- False gharial Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- False killer whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- False map turtle, or Mississippi map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- False smooth snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- False water snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fan-footed gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fan-tailed cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Far eastern brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat sand rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat-tailed dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat-tailed dwarf lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat-tailed gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fat-tailed marsupial mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fathead minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fatlips minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fawn antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fawn-colored mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fazila’s salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fea’s muntjac Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Feather-tailed possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fence lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fennec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fernwren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ferruginous hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Festive amazon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Field sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Field vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fieldfare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fiji banded iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fin whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Finescale dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Finetooth shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Finlayson’s squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Finless porpoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fire-footed rope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Firebelly toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fischer’s lovebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fish crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fish-eating bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fishing cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fivebeard rockling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flame robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flammulated owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flapneck chameleon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flat-headed cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flat-headed vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fleay’s barred frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flesh-footed shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Flier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Florida mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Florida red-bellied turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Florida softshell turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Forest dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Forest gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Forest shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fork-tailed storm petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Forster’s tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Forty-spotted pardalote Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fossa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Four-horned antelope Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Four-striped grass mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Four-toed elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Four-toed hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Four-toed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fourbeard rockling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fourspine stickleback Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fox sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Franciscana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Francois’s leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Franklin’s ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Franklin’s gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fraser’s dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fresno kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Frilled lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fringed myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fruit fly Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fulvous whistling duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fulvus roundleaf bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Furrowed wood turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Fuscous honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gaboon viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gadwall Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galah Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galapagos fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galapagos land iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galapagos penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galapagos petrel, or Darked-rump petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galapagos shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galapagos tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Galliwasp Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gallot’s Canary Island lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gambel’s quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gambian epauletted fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gambian rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gang-gang cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ganges dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Garden dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Garden warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Garganey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Garnet-throated hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gaur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gelada baboon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gemsbok Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gentoo penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Geoffrey’s sideneck turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Geoffroy’s bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Geoffroy’s cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Geoffroy’s marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Geoffroy’s tailless bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Geoffroy’s tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gerenuk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gervais’s beaked whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gharial Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ghost shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant ameiva Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant anteater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant asian pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant eland Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant forest hog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant grenadier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant manta Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant mole-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant mouse lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant palm salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant panda Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant plated lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giant spinytail lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gidgee skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gila monster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gila topminnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gila woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gilbert’s whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gilchrist’s round herring Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Giraffe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glacier lanterfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glaucous gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glaucous macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glaucous-winged gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glossy black cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glossy ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Glossy snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Godman’s montane pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goeldi’s monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goitered gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gold-ringed cat snake, or Mangrove snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goldcrest Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden alpine salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden bamboo lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden conure Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden jackal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden lion tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden mantella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden pheasant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden redhorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden snub-nosed monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden spiny mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-backed tree rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-bellied water rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-capped parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-cheeked warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-crowned kinglet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-crowned sifaka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-crowned sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-fronted woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-headed cisticola Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-headed lion tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-mantled ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-rumped elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-rumped lion tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golden-winged warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goldeye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goldfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goldie’s lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goldstripe sardinella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Golfo dulce poison-dart frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goliath frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goliath heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goosefish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gopher snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gopher tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Goral Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gorilla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gould’s large-footed myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gould’s long-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gould’s petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gould’s wattled bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gouldian finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Graceful honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grand skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Granite night lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grant’s gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grasshopper sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray bamboo lemur, or Bamboo lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray bichir Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray big-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray brocket Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray catbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray climbing mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray cuscus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray dorcopsis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray four-eyed opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray monk saki Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray mouse lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray red-backed vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray short-tailed opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray smoothhound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray tree rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray wolf Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-backed tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-banded kingsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-bellied dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-bellied squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-cheeked mangabey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-crowned rosy-finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-headed flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray-headed tanager Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gray’s monitor lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great Basin pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great Basin spadefoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great black-backed gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great black-headed gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great blue heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great bustard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great crested flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great crested grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great curassow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great egret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great frigatebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great fruit-eating bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great green macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great grey owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great hornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great horned owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great jerboa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great knot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great moluccan skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great northern diver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great Plains skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great plains toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great reed-warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great skua Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great snipe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great spotted woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great white pelican Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great white shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great-billed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great-tailed grackle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Great-winged petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater adjutant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater bamboo lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater bird-of-paradise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater bulldog bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater cane rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater crested tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater dwarf lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater Egyptian gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater Egyptian jerboa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater false vampire bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater flamingo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater forkbeard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater glider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater grison Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater hedgehog tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater horseshoe bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater kestrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater kudu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater long-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater long-tailed hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater mascarene flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater mouse-deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater prairie chicken Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater red musk shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater rhea Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater roadrunner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater sac-winged bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater sand plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater scaup Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater short-nosed fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater siren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater sooty owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater spear-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater stick-nest rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greater white-fronted goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green anaconda Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green and black dart-poison frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green anole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green basilisk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green bush squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green catbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green figbird (hang-nest) Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green happy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green kingfisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green mamba Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green rosella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green sea turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green swordtail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green tree python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green-rumped parrotlet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green-tailed towhee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Green-winged teal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greenback horse mackerel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greenland cod Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greenland shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grevy’s zebra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey butcherbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey crowned crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey currawong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey francolin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey goshawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey grasswren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey partridge Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey reef shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey shrikethrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey teal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey wagtail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-cheeked hornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-cheeked parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-cheeked thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-crowned babbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-faced buzzard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-faced woodpecker, or Grey-headed woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-headed albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grey-hooded parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Greylag goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Griffon vulture, or Eurasian griffon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grivet, or Vervet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grizzled leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grizzled tree kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Grotto salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ground cuscus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ground parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guaira spiny rat, or Quaira spiny rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guanaco Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guatemalan deer mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guayaquil squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gudgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guenther’s vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guereza Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guianan cock-of-the-rock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guianan saki Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guianan squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guinea multimammate mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guinea pig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gulf pipefish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gull-billed tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gulper shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gummy shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gundi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gunnison’s prairie dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gunther’s dik-dik Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gunther’s nothobranch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guppy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Guyana caiman lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Gyrfalcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hadada ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Haddock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hairy woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hairy-legged vampire bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hairy-tailed mole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Haitian boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Haitian dwarf boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Haitian ground boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hall’s babbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hamadryas baboon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hammer-headed fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hammond’s flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hanuman langur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harbor porpoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harbor seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harcourt’s storm petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hardhead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harlequin duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harp seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harpy eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harris’s antelope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harris’s hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Harris’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hartebeest Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawaii amakihi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawaiian crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawaiian goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawaiian hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawaiian monk seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawaiian petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hawksbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hazel dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hazel grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Heath mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hector’s dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hector’s lanternfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hedge sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Heermann’s gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Heermann’s kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hellbender Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Helmeted friarbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Helmeted guineafowl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Helmeted turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Henslow’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hermann’s tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hermit thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hermit warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Herrera’s mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Herring gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hidden angel shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Highfin carpsucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Highland gerbil mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hilaire’s side-necked turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hildebrandt’s starling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hill’s tomb bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Himalayan tahr Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hippopotamus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hirola Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hispaniola giant treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hispaniolan hutia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hispaniolan parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hispaniolan slider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hispaniolan solenodon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hispid cotton rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hoary bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hoary fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hoary marmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hoary redpoll Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hodgson’s giant flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hog badger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hog deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Homelyn ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Honey badger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Honey bee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Honey possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded dotterel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded merganser Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded skunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hooded warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hookfin redhorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Horn shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Horned grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Horned lark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Horned parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hornyhead chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Horse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Horse-tailed squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hosmer’s skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Houbara bustard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- House canary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- House finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- House mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- House sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- House wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Human Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Humboldt penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Humboldt’s woolly monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Humpback whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hutton’s vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Hyacinth macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Iberian frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Iberian ribbed newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ibex Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ice Age Animals: Lifespan, Adaptations, and Survival
- Iceland gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Icterine warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ide Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Iiwi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Impala Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Inca dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Inca scad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Inca tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian black pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian black turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian changeable lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian cobra, or Monocled cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian crested porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian flapshell turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian giant flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian giant squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian gray mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian green tree viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian krait Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian monitor lizard, or Indian monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian muntjac Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian oil sardine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian palm squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian pangolin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian peafowl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian rhinoceros Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian roller Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian roofed turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian spotted chevrotain Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian star tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian stick insect Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indian yellow-nosed albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indiana bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indigo bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indigo snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indonesian cobra, or Indian spitting cobra, or Indochinese spitting cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indonesian porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Indonesian shortfin eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Inland silverside Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Iris lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Irrawaddy dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Island gray fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Island night lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Island scrub jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Italian cave salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Italian crested newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Italian green frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ivory gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jabiru Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jack mackerel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jack snipe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jackass penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jacksmelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jackson’s chameleon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jacky winter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jaguar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jaguarundi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jamaica boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jamaican fruit-eating bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jamaican oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jameson’s mamba Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese anchovy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese clawed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese firebelly newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese four-lined ratsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese giant flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese giant salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese hare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese jack mackerel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese mamushi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese marten Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese medaka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese mole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese serow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese snipe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese topeshark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Japanese white-eye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jararaca Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Java sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Javan langur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Javan mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Javan pig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Javan rhinoceros Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Javan wart snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jentink’s duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jeweled lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jewelled gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- John’s Indian sand-boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Johnson’s crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Julia Creek dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jumping pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- June sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Jungle cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kaka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kakapo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kaluga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kariba tilapia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kauai amakihi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kea Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Keen’s myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kelp gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kentucky warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kenya sand-boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kiang Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kihansi spray toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Killdeer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Killer whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kilombero Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kimberly mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King colobus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King eider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King grown snake, or King brown snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- King vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kinkajou Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kintampo rope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kirk’s dik-dik Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kirtland’s snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kirtland’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kit fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kitefin shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Klamath smallscale sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Klipspringer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kloss’s gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Knight anole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Koala Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kob Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kodkod Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kokoe-pa poison dart frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Komodo dragon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Korean field mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Korean sandeel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Korthaus’ killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kouprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kowari Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Krefft’s river turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kuhl’s pipistrelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kulan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kultarr Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Kutum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- L’hoest’s monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Labord’s chameleon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lace monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ladder-backed woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lady Amherst’s pheasant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lahontan redside Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lake chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lake sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lamellibrachia luymesi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Land mullet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lapi file snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lapland longspur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lappet-faced vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large bamboo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large fig parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large forest bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large hairy armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large indian civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large Japanese field mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large tree shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large-billed gerygone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large-eared tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large-footed myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Large-spotted genet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Largemouth bass Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Largescale stoneroller Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Largescale sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Largetooth sawfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lark bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lark sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lataste’s viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laughing gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laughing kookaburra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laureutis alpine salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laxmann’s shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Layard’s parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laysan albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laysan duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Laysan finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lazuli bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Le Conte’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Le conte’s thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leach’s storm petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leadbeater’s possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leaden flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leafscale gulper shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lear’s macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least auklet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Least weasel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leatherback sea turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lechwe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lemon shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lemon-bellied flyrobin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lemurine night monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lemuroid ringtail possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leopard cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leopard gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leopard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leopard seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leopard shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leopard tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Leschenault’s rousette Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser adjutant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser bamboo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser black-backed gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser crested tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser Egyptian gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser Egyptian jerboa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser flamingo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser flat lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser frigatebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser goldfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser grison Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser hairy-footed dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser hedgehog tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser horseshoe bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser kestrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser kudu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser long-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser mouse-deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser mouse-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser noctule Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser noddy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser prairie chicken Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser sand eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser sand plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser scaup Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser short-nosed fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser siren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser spotted eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser spotted woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser white-fronted goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser white-nosed monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser whitethroat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesser yellowlegs Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lesueur’s frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Levant starred lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Levantine viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lewin’s honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Libyan jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Light-mantled albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lilac-breasted roller Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lilac-crowned parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lincoln’s sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lined butterflyfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lined seahorse, or Hudson sea horse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Liontail macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little bittern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little black cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little blue heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little brown bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little corella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little curlew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little egret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little forest bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little friarbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little golden-mantled flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little grassbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little long-fingered bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little long-tailed dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little pied cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little raven Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little red flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little red kaluta Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little ringed plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little shovelnose sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little shrikethrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little spotted cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little stint Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little wattlebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Little yellow-shouldered bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lizard buzzard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Llama Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Loach minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lobed stingaree Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Loggerhead musk turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Loggerhead sea turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Loggerhead shrike Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-billed black cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-billed corella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-billed dowitcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-billed thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-eared chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-eared hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-eared owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-finned eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-finned pilot whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-footed potoroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-haired rousette Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-legged buzzard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-legged myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-legged wood frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed cusimanse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed echymipera Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed potoroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed snake, or Western long-nosed snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-nosed viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed chinchilla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed clawed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed field mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed glossy starling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed jaeger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed planigale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed pygmy possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-tailed weasel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Long-toed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longear sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longfin smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longheaded eagle ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose butterflyfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose gar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose spurdog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnose velvet dogfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Longnosed butterflyfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lord howe woodhen Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lost river sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Louisiana waterthrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lovely fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Low’s squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lower california rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lowland burrowing treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lowland paca Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lucifer hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lucy’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lutrine opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Luzon bushy-tailed cloud rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Lyle’s flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mabee’s salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Macedonia shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Macgillivray’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Macklot’s python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Macleay’s dorcopsis, or Papuan mountain wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Macleay’s honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Macquarie turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Madagascar boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Madagascar day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Madagascar giant hognose snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Madagascar tree boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Madeira wall lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Madrean alligator lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magellanic penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magnificent frigatebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magnificent hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magnificent riflebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magnolia warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magpie goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Magpielark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maguari stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mainland tiger snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malabar civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malabar parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malabar spiny dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malagasy civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malagasy giant rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malayan civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malayan flat-shelled turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malayan porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malayan tapir Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malaysian narrowmouth toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maleo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mallard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Malleefowl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mandarin duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mandarin salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mandrill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maned duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maned three-toed sloth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maned wolf Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mangrove fantail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mangrove gerygone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mangrove golden whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mangrove honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mantled howler monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Manx shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Many-banded krait Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marabou Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled electric ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled frogmouth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled godwit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled murrelet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled polecat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marbled velvet gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Margay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marginated tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marine iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Markhor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maroon-eyed tree frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh antwren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh rabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Marsh warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Martinique lancehead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Martinique’s anole, or Anole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked booby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked lapwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked palm civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked shining parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked stingaree Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masked treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Masoala fork-marked lemur, or Fork-marked lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Massasauga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mata mata Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Matschie’s tree kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maui alauahio Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mauritius kestrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Maxwell’s duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mcgregor’s skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mckay’s bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mcmahon’s viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Meadow jumping mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Meadow pipit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Meadow vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mealy parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mealybug Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean fruit fly Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean horseshoe bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean house gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean ling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean monk seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean pine vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean redfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mediterranean worm lizard, or Spanish grey amphisbaena Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Medium tree finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Meerkat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mekong snail-eating turtle, or Malayan snail-eating turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Melodious warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Melon-headed whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Merlin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Merrem’s Madagascar swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Merriam’s kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Merriam’s pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Merten’s water monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mew gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican banded gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican black howler monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican burrowing caecilian Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican burrowing python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican giant musk turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican horned pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican kingsnake, or Greer’s kingsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican leaf frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican moccasin, or Cantil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican mouse opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican parrot snake, or Parrot snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican parrotlet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican spotted wood turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican tetra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mexican West-Coast rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mid-day jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Midas tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Middle spotted woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Military macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Milk shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Milk snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Milkfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Milky stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Millerbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mimic shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mindanao lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mindanao tree shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mink frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Miss Kingsley’s climbing perch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mississippi kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mississippi paddlefish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mistle thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mistletoebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mitchell’s hopping mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Modoc sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mohave ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mojave rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mole salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mole snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Molina’s hog-nosed skunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moluccan naked-backed fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mona monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mongolian five-toed jerboa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mongolian gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mongolian jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mongolian silver vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mongoose lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Monito del monte Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Monk parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Monk saki Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Montagu’s harrier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Montane guinea pig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Montane shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mooneye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moonrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moor frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moor macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Morelet’s crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Morepork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mormyrid Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mormyrids Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mosquitofish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Motagua spiny-tailed iguana, or Honduran dwarf spiny-tailed iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mottled duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mound-building mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain anoa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain beaver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain bluebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain brush-tailed possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain cottontail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain degu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain goat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain hare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain paca Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain pygmy possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain reedbuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain tapir Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain viscacha Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mountain zebra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mourning dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mourning skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mourning warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mouse-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mouse-like hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moustached monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Moustached warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mozambique mouth-breeder Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mozambique spitting cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mt carmel blind mole rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mud hake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mud salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mud snake, or Western mud snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mud sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mudpuppy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mueller’s giant Sunda rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mugger, or Marsh crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mule deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mulga parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mulgara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Murine mouse opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Musk duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Musk lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Muskellunge Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Muskox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Muskrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Musky rat kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mussarana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Mute swan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Muzzled blenny Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nabarlek Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Naked mole-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Namaqua rock rat, or Rock mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Namib sand gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nanday parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nankeen kestrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nankeen night heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Narrow-bridged musk turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Narrow-nosed planigale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Narrow-striped mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Narwhal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nashville warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Natal duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nathusius’s pipistrelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Natterer’s bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nazca booby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Needle dogfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nelson’s antelope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nelson’s pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nelson’s sharp-tailed sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Neotropic cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Neotropical river otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nervous shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Caledonia giant gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New England cottontail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Guinea boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Guinea crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Guinea eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Guinea green tree monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New holland honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand lanternshark, or Giant lanternshark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand longfin eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand rough skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand sea lion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand slender clingfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- New Zealand smooth skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nicobar pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Night shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Night snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nihoa finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nile crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nile distichodus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nile kusu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nile lechwe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nile monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nile tilapia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nilgai Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nilgiri tahr Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nine-banded armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ninespine stickleback Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ningbing pseudantechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nobbi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Noctule Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Noisy friarbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Noisy miner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Noisy night monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Noisy pitta Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Noisy scrubbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North African elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North African gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North african hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North African spiny dabb lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North American porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North atlantic right whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North pacific hake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- North Sumatran leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern Australian snapping turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern bald ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern beardless tyrannulet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern bettong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern birch mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern black-tailed rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern bobwhite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern bottlenose whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern brown bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern brush-tailed possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern cardinal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern cassowary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern chuckwalla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern copperhead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern crested newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern cricket frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern curly-tailed lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern elephant seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern fantail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern flicker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern fulmar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern gannet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern giant petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern goshawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern grasshopper mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern hairy-nosed wombat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern harrier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern hawk-owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern hog sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern hopping mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern lampfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern lapwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern leopard frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern Luzon slender-tailed cloud rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern mockingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern mole vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern nail-tailed wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern naked-tailed armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern night monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern palaearctic viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern palm squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern parula Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern pika Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern pike Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern pintail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern pocket gopher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern pygmy mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern quoll Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern red-backed vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern red-bellied cooter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern red-sided opossum, or Short bare-tailed opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern redbelly dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern river otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern river terrapin, or Indian batagur terrapin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern rosella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern rough-winged swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern saw-whet owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern short-tailed shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern shoveler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern shrike Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern slimy salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern snake-necked turtle, or Oblong snakeneck turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern spectacled salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern studfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern tamandua Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern tree shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern water snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern waterthrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern wheatear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northern white-cheeked gibbon, or White-cheeked gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northland green gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northwestern crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northwestern garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Northwestern salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Norway lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Norway pout Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Norway rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nubian ibex Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Numbat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nurse shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nursehound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nutria Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nuttall’s woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nyala Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Nyasa loverbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oceanic dtella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oceanic whitetip shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ocelot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Okapi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Okinawan habu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Old World harvest mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oldfield mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oldsquaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olingo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olive sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olive whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olive-backed oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olive-headed lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olive-sided flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Olm Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Onion-eye grenadier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ooldea dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange roughy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-bellied Himalayan squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-bellied parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-crowned warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-eyed tree frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-fronted parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-spined hairy dwarf porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-spotted day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orange-winged amazon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orangutan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orchard oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ord’s kangaroo rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oribi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oriental firebelly toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oriental pratincole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oriental small-clawed otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oriental white stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orinoco crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Orion broad-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ornate box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ornate horned frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ornate lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ornate narrow-mouthed frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ornate shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ortolan bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Osprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ostrich Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Otago skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Otter civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ovenbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Owens pupfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Owl-faced monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Owston’s palm civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Oxeye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ozark minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacarana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific angel shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific black duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific Coast giant musk turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific cod Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific electric ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific golden-plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific ground boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific herring Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific parrotlet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific pond turtle, or Southwestern pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific reef heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific sand lance Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific sardine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific saury Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific sticky-toed gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific tree boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific white-sided dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pacific-slope flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Painted bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Painted ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Painted redstart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Painted stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Painted turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Painted wood turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palaearctic eyed skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palaearctic tail-lined snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palawan peacock-pheasant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pale fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pale gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pale giant squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pale spear-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pale-throated three-toed sloth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pale-yellow robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palestine mole rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palestine saw-scaled viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palestine viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palezone shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palila Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pallas’ cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pallas’s long-tongued bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pallas’s mastiff bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pallas’s squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pallid bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pallid harrier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palm cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palm salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palm warbler, or Western palm warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Palm-nut vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pampas deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pampas fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Panama wood snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Panamanian spiny pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Panay crateromys Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pancake tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Panther anole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Panther chameleon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Panther genet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pantropical spotted dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Papermouth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Papuan lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Paradox frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Paraguayan anaconda Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Parasidic jaeger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pardine genet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Parma wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Parrot-beaked tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Parson’s chameleon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Particolored bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Patagonia mountain lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Patagonian conure Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Patagonian mara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Patagonian toothfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Patas monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Paucident planigale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pearl dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pearl roach Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pearly-eyed thrasher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pearson’s green tree frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pectoral sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pelagic cormorant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pelagic stingray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pelagic thresher shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pemba flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pen-tailed tree shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pencil-tailed tree mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Peppered shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pere David’s deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pere David’s rock squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Peregrine falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Perentie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Persian horned viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Persian jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Peruvian anchoveta Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Peruvian mountain viscacha Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pesquet’s parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Peters’s climbing rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Phayre’s leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pheidole dentata Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philadelphia vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine flying lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine pygmy fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine sailfin lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Philippine tarsier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Phoenix petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Phymaturus antofagastensis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Picado’s pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pichi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Piebald chuckwalla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied avocet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied butcherbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied currawong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied imperial pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied kingfisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied monarch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied oystercatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pied-billed grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pigeon guillemot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pigmy rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pignose turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pike characid Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pilbara ningaui Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pileated gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pileated parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pileated woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pilotbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pine grosbeak Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pine siskin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pine snake, or Bull snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pine warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink fairy armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink happy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink-eared duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink-footed goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pink-tongued skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pinyon jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pinyon mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Piping plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pirapitinga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plain chachalaca Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plain parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plain titmouse, or Oak titmouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plainbelly water snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains mouse, or Australian native mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains pocket gopher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains viscacha Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plains-wanderer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plantain squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plum-headed parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plumbeous ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Plumed whistling duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Po brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pointed snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Polar bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pollock Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pompano dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pond bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pond smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pontic shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Poo-uli Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pool frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pope’s pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Porbeagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Port Lincoln ringneck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Potto Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pouched mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pout whiting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Powerful owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prairie falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prairie kingsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prairie rattlesnake, or Southern Pacific rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prairie vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prairie warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prehensile-tailed porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Preuss’s monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prevost’s squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prickly gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Proboscis monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pronghorn Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Prothonotary warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Providence petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto Rican amazon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto rican boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto rican bullfinch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto rican flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto Rican giant anole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto Rican lizard cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto Rican tanager Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto Rican tody Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puerto rican vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puff adder Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pugnose shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Puna ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple honeycreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple martin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple sunbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple swamphen Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple-crowned fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple-crowned lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple-faced leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple-gaped honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purple-naped lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Purpleface largemouth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy chimpanzee, or Bonobo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy gliding possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy hippopotamus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy hog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy nuthatch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy planigale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy rabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy slow loris Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy sperm whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pygmy tree shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pyrenean brook newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pyrenean chamois Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pyrenean desman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Pyrrhuloxia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Quagga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Queen snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Quillback Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Quokka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rabbit-bandicoot, or Bilby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rabbitfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Raccoon dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Radiated tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Raffray’s bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rafinesque’s big-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rainbow bee-eater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rainbow boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rainbow frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rainbow happy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rainbow lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rainbow smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Razor-backed musk turtle, or Keel-backed musk turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Razor-billed curassow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Razorbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red acouchi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red and white giant flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red barded snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red brocket Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red crossbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red diamond rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red giant flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red goral Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red Hills salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red howler monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red junglefowl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red knot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red panda Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red river hog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red ruffed lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red shining parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red slender loris, or Slender loris Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red spitting cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red tegu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red wattlebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red worm lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-and-blue lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-and-green macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-backed fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-backed shrike Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-banded frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-bellied lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-bellied monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-bellied newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-bellied parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-bellied squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-bellied woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-billed chough Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-billed leiothrix Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-billed quelea Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-billed tropicbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-breasted merganser Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-breasted nuthatch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-breasted parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-breasted sapsucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-browed finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-browed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-browed treecreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-capped mangabey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-capped parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-capped plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-capped robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-cheeked dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-cheeked salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-chested mustached tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-cockaded woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-crested pochard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-crowned crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-crowned parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-eared firetail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-eyed tree frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-eyed vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-faced warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-fan parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-flanked duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-footed booby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-footed falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-footed tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-fronted gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-fronted macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-fronted parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-fronted parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-headed Amazon side-neck turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-headed lovebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-headed myzomela Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-headed rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-headed woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-legged frog, or California red-legged frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-legged kittiwake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-legged pademelon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-legged partridge Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-legged sun squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-legged thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-lored parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-masked parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-naped sapsucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked avocet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked nightjar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked pademelon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked phalarope Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked stint Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-necked wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-nosed armored tree-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-nosed mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-rumped agouti, or Agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-rumped parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-rumped swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-shanked douc langur, or Douc langur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-shouldered hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-shouldered macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-spotted toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed phascogale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed sportive lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-tailed tropicbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-throated diver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-throated pipit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-whiskered bulbul Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-winged blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-winged fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Red-winged parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redbelly snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redbelly tilapia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redbreast sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redbreast tilapia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Reddish egret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redear sunfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redfin shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redhead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rednose labeo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redside dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redthroat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Redwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Reed bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Reeves’ turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Reeves’s muntjac Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Reeves’s pheasant Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Regent bowerbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Regent parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Relict dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Reticulated python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rhesus monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rhim gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rhinoceros auklet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rhinoceros iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rhinoceros viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rhombic egg eater, or African egg-eating snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ribbon seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Richardson’s collared lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Richardson’s ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ridge scaled rattail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ridge-headed toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ridge-nosed rattlesnake, or Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ring dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ring ouzel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ring-billed gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ring-necked duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ring-tailed lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ring-tailed mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringed map turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringed seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringed teal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringed wall gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringneck spitting cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringtail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ringtailed rock wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rio Grande cichlid Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Risso’s dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- River carpsucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- River chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- River cooter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- River redhorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- River shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- River warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Riverine rabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roach Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roan antelope Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roanoke hog sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Robinson’s mouse opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock bass Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock cavy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock grenadier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock hyrax Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock pipit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock ptarmigan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock rattlesnake, or New Mexico banded rock rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rock squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rockwarbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rodriguez flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rohu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rook Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rose robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rose-breasted grosbeak Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rose-ringed parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roseate spoonbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roseate tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rosenberg’s treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ross seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ross’s goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rosy boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rosy-faced lovebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rosyface shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough earth snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough greensnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough scale gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough-legged hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough-scaled plated lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough-scaled sand-boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough-skinned newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rough-toothed dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roughhead shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roughscale rattail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roughskin skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roughtail skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Round Island boas Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Round island day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Round sardinella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Round-spot banana boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Round-tailed ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roundel skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Roundtail chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rowley’s palm pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Royal albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Royal antelope Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Royal penguin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Royal spoonbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Royal tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruatan island agouti, or Ruatan agouti Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rubber boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruby-crowned kinglet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruby-throated hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruddy duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruddy mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruddy turnstone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruff Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruffed grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous ‘rat’-kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous beaked snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous fantail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous hare-wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous-banded honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous-crowned sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous-tailed scrub-robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rufous-throated honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruppel’s parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ruppell’s sand fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Russell’s viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Russet-crowned motmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Russet-tailed thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Russian ratsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Russian sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rusty blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rusty-spotted cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Rustyside sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ryukyu flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ryukyu mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sable antelope Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sable Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sacramento perch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sacramento sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sacred ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saddle-billed stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saddlebacked tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saffron cod Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saffron shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sage grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sage sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saharan striped polecat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saiga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sailfin lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saint Catalina rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saint Lucia lancehead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saker falcon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Salmon shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Salmon-crested cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saltwater crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Salvadori’s fig parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sambar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- San Diego pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand tiger shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sand-colored rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sandbar shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sanderling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sandhill crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sandstone dibbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sandwich tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sandy ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Santa Fe land iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sardinian warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sarus crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Satin bowerbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Satinfin shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saudi gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Savannah sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Savi’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Saw-scaled viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Say’s phoebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scaled herring Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scalloped hammerhead Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scaly-breasted lorikeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scaly-headed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scaly-tailed possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scarlet ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scarlet macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scarlet myzomela Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scarlet snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scarlet tanager Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scarlet-chested parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Schreibers’s long-fingered bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scimitar-horned oryx Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scorpion mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scott’s oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Screaming hairy armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scrub jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Scrub python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sea horse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sea lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sea otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seal salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seaside sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seba’s short-tailed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sechuran fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sedge warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seepiophila jonesi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sei whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seminole killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Semipalmated plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Semipalmated sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Senegal galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Senegal parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sepia short-tailed opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Serotine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Serow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Serrated forest hingeback tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Serrated snapping turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Serval Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Servaline genet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seven-banded armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seychelles giant day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seychelles small day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Seychelles warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shanny Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sharp-nosed tomb bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sharp-shinned hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sharp-tailed grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sharp-tailed sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sharptooth tetra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shaw’s jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shieldnose cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shiner perch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shingleback skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shining flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shoebill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-beaked echidna Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-beaked saddleback dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-billed black cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-billed dowitcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-eared dog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-eared elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-eared owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-eared rock-wallaby, or Western rock wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-finned pilot whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-lined escolar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-nosed elephant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-tailed albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-tailed mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-tailed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-tailed shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-toed eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Short-toed tree-creeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shortfin eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shortfin mako Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shorthead redhorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shortnose gar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shortnose spurdog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shortnose sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shortspine dogfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shovelnose guitarfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Shy albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siamang Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siamese crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian ibex Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian musk deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian tit, or Gray-headed chickadee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian weasel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Siberian wood frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sickle pomfret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Side-striped jackal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Side-striped palm pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sidewinder Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sika deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silky anteater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silky pocket mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silky shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver gemfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver hake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver mountain vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver orfe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver redhorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver surfperch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver warehou Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver-crowned friarbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silver-haired bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvered leaf monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvereye Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silverjaw minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silverside Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silverside shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silversides Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvery gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvery marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvery mole-rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvery pout Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Silvery-brown bare-face tamarin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Simony’s Canary Island lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Singida tilapia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Singing honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sitatunga Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Six-banded armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Six-lined racerunner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slender gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slender mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slender squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slender-billed gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slender-billed parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slender-tailed cloud rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slime skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sloth bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slow loris Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Slow worm Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small five-toed jerboa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small ground finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small Indian civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small Japanese field mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small tree finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small-eared galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small-mouthed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small-spotted catshark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small-spotted genet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Small-toothed palm civet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smaller horseshoe bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smallmouth bass Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smallmouth buffalo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smallmouth yellowfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smalltail shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smith’s bush squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smith’s longspur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smoky mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smoky shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth earth snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth green snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth helmeted iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth leatherjacket Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth softshell turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth-coated otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth-fronted caiman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Smooth-hound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snail kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snakefish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sneep Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snook Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snow bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snow goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snow leopard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snow petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snowshoe hare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snowy egret Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snowy owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Snowy plover Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Soemmerring’s gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Solitary tinamou Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Solomon Island skink Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Song sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Song thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sonoran desert toad, or Colorado river toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sonoran green toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sonoran mountain kingsnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sonoran mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sooty oystercatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sooty shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sooty storm petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sooty tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South African fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South African galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South African ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South African springhare, or Springhare Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South american coati Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South American fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South American lungfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South American river turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South American squirrel monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- South polar skua Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southeast Asian box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southeastern blue sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southeastern philippine cobra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern african hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern African pygmy mouse, or Pygmy mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern alligator lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern bald ibis, or Bald ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern bog lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern brown bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern caracara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern cassowary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern dibbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern elephant seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern emu-wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern flying squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern forest bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern free-tailed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern fulmar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern giant petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern grasshopper mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern ground hornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern hairy-nosed wombat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern hake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern long-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern marsupial mole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern mouthbrooder Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern muriqui, or Woolly spider monkey, or Muriqui Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern naked-tailed armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern pig-tailed macaque, or Pigtail macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern plains woodrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern pudu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern redbelly dace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern reedbuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern right whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern rough-winged swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern savanna gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern scrub robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern sea lion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern stingray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern talapoin monkey, or Talapoin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern tamandua Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern three-banded armadillo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern tree hyrax, or Tree hyrax Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern two-toed sloth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern water shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Southern whiteface Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spadenose shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spangled drongo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spanish ibex Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spanish imperial eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spanish lynx Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spanish pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spanish sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sparsely-spotted stingaree Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Speckled chub Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Speckled longfin eel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Speckled mousebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Speckled rattlesnake, or Southwestern speckled rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectacled bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectacled caiman Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectacled eider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectacled flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectacled hare-wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectacled owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spectral tarsier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Speke’s gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Speke’s pectinator Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sperm whale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spinifex hopping mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spinner shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spiny chuckwalla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spiny mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spiny softshell turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spiny turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spiny-cheeked honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spix’s macaw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spix’s yellow-toothed cavy Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Splendid climbing mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Splendid fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spot-breasted ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spot-breasted oriole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spot-tail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spot-tail shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotfin shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotless crake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotless smooth-hound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spottail shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted antbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted bass Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted catbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted estuary smooth-hound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted gar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted hyena Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted nutcracker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted pardalote Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted redshank Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted sardinella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted towhee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted tree monitor Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spotted-necked otter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spring peeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spring salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Springbok Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spruce grouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spur dogfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spur-winged goose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Spur-winged lapwing Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Square-tailed kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Squinting bush brown Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Squirrel glider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Squirrel treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- St. Lucia amazon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- St. Vincent parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Standing’s day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Star finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Star sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Star-nosed mole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Starry skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Starspotted smooth-hound Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steelcolor shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steenbok Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stejneger’s pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steller sea lion Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steller’s eider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steller’s jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steppe eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steppe lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steppe pika Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Steppe polecat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sterlet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stilt sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stinkpot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stock dove, or Stock pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stone loach Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Straw-colored fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Straw-necked ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Strawberry poison frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Streaked tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striated pardalote Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striated thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stripe-belly sand racer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stripe-faced dunnart Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped day gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped dwarf hamster Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped field mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped hyena Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped mullet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped polecat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped possum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped skunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Striped-necked mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Strong-billed honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stubble quail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Stump-tailed macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Subantarctic fur seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Suckermouth minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sudan mastigure Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sugar glider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sulawesi bear cuscus, or Bear cuscus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sulphur-crested cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sumatran porcupine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sumatran rhinoceros Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Summer tanager Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sun bear Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sun-tailed monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sunbeam snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sunbittern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sundevall’s garter sanke Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Sundevall’s jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Suni Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Superb fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Superb lyrebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Superb parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Superb starling Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Surf scoter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Surf smelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Surinam toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swainson’s hawk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swainson’s thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swainson’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swallowtail shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swamp antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swamp harrier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swamp sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swamp wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Swift fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Syrian woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tahoe sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tailess tenrec, or Tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Taillight shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Taipan beauty snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Takin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Talas tuco-tuco, or Tuco-tuco Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Talazac’s shrew tenrec Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tamaraw Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tamarisk jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tammar wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tana River mangabey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tanimbar cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tarakihi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tarpon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tartar sand-boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Taruca, or Guemals Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tasmanian bettong Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tasmanian devil Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tasmanian pademelon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tasmanian thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tassel-eared marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tawny eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tawny frogmouth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tawny grassbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tawny owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tawny-breasted honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tawny-winged woodcreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tayra Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Telescope cardinal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Telostylinus angusticollis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Temminck’s mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Temminck’s stint Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tennessee cave salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tennessee warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Terciopelo, or Fer-de-lance Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Terek sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Texas alligator lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Texas blind salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Texas pocket gopher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thick-billed murre Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thick-billed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thick-necked turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thick-tailed gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thicket rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thicklipped mullet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thinface cichlid Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thinlip mullet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thirteen-lined ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thomas’s rope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thomson’s gazelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thornback ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thorny skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thorold’s deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Threadfin shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Three spotted tilapia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Three-striped ground squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Three-toed amphiuma Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Thrush nightingale Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tibetan macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tiger fish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tiger Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tiger quoll, or Australian tiger cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tiger rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tiger salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tiger shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Timber rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Timor deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Timor python Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Toco toucan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tokay gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Toli shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tome’s spiny rat, or Spiny rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tompot blenny Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tonguetied minnow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tonkean macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tooth-billed bowerbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tope shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Topeka shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Topi Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Topsmelt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Toque macaque Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Torrent sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Torresian crow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tortuga Island rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Townsend’s big-eared bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Townsend’s chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Townsend’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Trans-pecos rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Travancore tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tree martin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tree pipit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tree swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Treur barb Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tricolored blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tricolored heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Trindade petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Trinket snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tropical rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Trowbridge’s shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- True sardine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Trumpeter swan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tsitou newt Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tuatara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tucuxi, or River dolphin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tufted deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tufted duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tufted titmouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tui parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tullberg’s praomys, or Tullberg’s rock rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tundra swan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tundra vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Tungara frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Turkey vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Turkish spiny mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Turks boa, or Caicos boa Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Turquoise killifish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Turquoise parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Twaite shad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Twin-spotted rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Twistneck turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Twite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Two-toed amphiuma Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Twospot astyanax Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Typical striped grass mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ukrainian brook lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Undulate ray Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Upland sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Uracoan rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ural owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Urutu Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vagrant shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vampire bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vancouver marmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Variable flying fox Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Varied sittella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Varied thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Varied triller Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Variegated fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Variegated squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vasa parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vase tunicate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vaux’s swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Veery Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Velvet belly Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Veragoa stubfoot toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Verdin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vermilion flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vernal hanging parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Verreaux’s sifaka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vesper rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vesper sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Victoria’s riflebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vicugna Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Village weaver Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vinogradov’s jird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Violet-crowned hummingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Violet-green swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Violet-necked lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Virgin spinedace Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Virginia opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Virginia’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Visayan spotted deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Viviparous lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Vlei rat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Volga lamprey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Waccamaw silverside Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wallaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Walrus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wandering albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Warbling vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Warpaint shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Warren’s spinytail lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wart hog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water buffalo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water chevrotain Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water moccasin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water opossum (yapok) Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water pipit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water rail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Water vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Waterbuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Waterhouse’s leaf-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wattle-necked softshell turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wattled curassow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wattled ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Waved albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Waxy treefrog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weasel sportive lemur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weatherfish, or Loach Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weddell seal Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wedge-tailed eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wedge-tailed shearwater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weebill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weed shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weeping capuchin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weka Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Welcome swallow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- West African dwarf crocodile Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- West African mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- West Caucasian tur Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- West Indian manatee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- West Indian ocean coelacanth, or Coelacanth Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western aquatic garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western Australian salmon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western banded gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western barbastelle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western barred bandicoot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western bluebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western broad-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western capercaillie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western coral snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western corella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western diamond-backed rattlesnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western European hedgehog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western gerygone Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western gray kangaroo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western gray squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western grebe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western green mamba, or Green mamba Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western harvest mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western heather vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western hognose snake, or Mexican hognose snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western hoolock gibbon, or Hoolock gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western jumping mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western kingbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western long-beaked echidna, or Long-nosed echidna Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western long-eared myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western lyresnake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western marsh harrier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western meadowlark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western needle-clawed galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western patch-nosed snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western pebble-mound mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western pocket gopher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western quoll Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western red-backed salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western roe deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western rosella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western screech-owl Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western scrub jay Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western shovelnose stingaree Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western spinebill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western spiny-tailed iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western tanager Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western tarsier Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western terrestrial garter snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western wattlebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western whiptail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western wood pewee Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Western yellow robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Weyns’s duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whale shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whario Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whimbrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whinchat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whip-poor-will Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whiptail wallaby Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whiskered auklet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whiskered bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whiskered tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whiskery skark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whispering ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whistling kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White cay ground iguana Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White crappie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White rhinoceros Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White sands pupfish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White sardine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White sucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White tern Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White trevally Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White wagtail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-backed vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-backed woodpecker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-bearded manakin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-bellied parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-bellied slender opossum, or Rio Napo mouse opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-bellied spider monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-billed buffalo weaver, or African ox birds Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-breasted nuthatch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-breasted robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-breasted whistler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-browed babbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-browed robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-browed scrubwren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-browed treecreeper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-cheeked honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-cheeked pintail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-cheeked rosella Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-cheeked turaco Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-collared seedeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-crowned pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-crowned sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-dotted skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-eared conure Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-eared honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-eared opossum Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-eyed vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-faced capuchin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-faced heron Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-faced ibis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-faced robin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-faced storm-petrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-faced whistling duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-footed mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-fronted bee-eater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-fronted capuchin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-fronted parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-gaped honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-handed gibbon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-headed vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-lined broad-nosed bat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-lipped mud turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-lipped peccary Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-lipped tree viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-naped crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-naped honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-nosed bearded saki Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-nosed coati Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-nosed guenon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-plumed honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-rumped munia Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-rumped sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-rumped shama Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-rumped vulture, or Bengal vulture Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-spectacled bulbul Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed antelope squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed deer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed jackrabbit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed kite Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed ptarmigan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tailed sea-eagle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-throated dipper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-throated honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-throated kingfisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-throated sparrow Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-throated swift Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-throated woodrat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tipped dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-toothed pygmy shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-toothed shrew Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-tufted-ear marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-whiskered spider monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-winged chough Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-winged crossbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-winged dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-winged fairywren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-winged scoter Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White-winged triller Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- White’s seahorse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whitespotted bambooshark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whitetail shiner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whitetip reef shark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whooper swan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Whooping crane Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wied’s black-tufted-ear marmoset Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wild boar Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wild cat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wild turkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Willet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Willie wagtail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Willow flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Willow ptarmigan Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Willow tit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Willow warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wilson’s phalarope Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wilson’s snipe Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wilson’s spiny mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wilson’s warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Winter skate Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Winter wren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wolf’s monkey Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wolverine Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wonga pigeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wongai ningaui Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood duck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood lark Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood lemming Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood nuthatch, or Eurasian nuthatch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood sandpiper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood thrush Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wood warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woodchat shrike Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woodchuck Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woodland dormouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woodland jumping mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woodland mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woodland vole Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woolley’s pseudantechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woolly-necked stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woosnam’s broad-headed mouse, or South African broad-headed mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Worm-eating warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woundfin Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Woylie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Wrentit Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Xantus’ murrelet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yak Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yangtze sturgeon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yangzte river dolphin, or Baiji Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yara Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow mongoose Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow pond turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow wagtail Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow wattlebird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-backed duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-banded poison frog Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-bellied flycatcher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-bellied glider Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-bellied marmot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-bellied toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-billed cuckoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-billed kingfisher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-billed loon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-billed magpie Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-billed spoonbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-billed stork Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-blotched palm pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-breasted boatbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-breasted bunting Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-breasted chat Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-chevroned parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-crested cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-crowned parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-eye mullet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-eyed junco Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-faced honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-faced parrotlet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-faced pocket gopher Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-footed antechinus Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-footed tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-fronted parakeet Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-headed blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-headed parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-headed temple turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-legged gull Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-margined box turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-naped parrot Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-necked mouse Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-nosed albatross Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-pine chipmunk Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-plumed honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-red/tropical rat snake Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-rumped (myrtle) warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-rumped thornbill Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-shouldered amazon Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-shouldered blackbird Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-spotted honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-spotted night lizard Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-spotted pit viper Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-spotted river turtle Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-streaked lory Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-striped caecilian Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-tailed black cockatoo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-throated honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-throated marten Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-throated miner Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-throated scrubwren Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-throated vireo Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-throated warbler Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-tinted honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellow-tufted honeyeater Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellowhammer Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellowhead gecko Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yellowtail horse mackerel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yonahlossee salamander Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yosemite toad Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Yuma myotis Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Zanzibar bushbaby, or Zanzibar galago Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Zebra danio or zebrafish Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Zebra dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Zebra duiker Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Zebra finch Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Zenaida dove Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?
- Ziege Lifespan: How Long Do They Live?